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MS Office 2010 Hindi Video Tutorials - Windows Basics,Internet and Emails,Word,Excel,Powerpoint


Duration: 30

Complete List of Paid Tutorials for Word 2010

1. Introduction to MS Word 2010
2. Page Setup
3. Save, Open, Close
4. Protect Document & Formatting
5. Formatting
6. Paragraph Setting- 1
7. Paragraph Setting -2
8. Style, Cut, Copy, Paste
9. Format Painter, Find, Replace, Go to
10. Cover Page, Blank Page, Page Break, Table
11. Table layout Draw Table, Pictures
12. Draw Table, Pictures
13. Clipart, Shapes, Smart Art
14. Chart, Hyperlink
15. Bookmark, Header, Footer, Text box, Quick Parts, Word Art
16. Drop cap, Signature line, Date & Time, Equation
17. Symbol, Column, Line No., Hyphenation, Watermark
18. Page Colour, Page Border, Paragraph, Indent, Spacing, Table of contents
19. Insert footnote, endnote, Insert Caption, Envelops, Labels
20. Mail Merge
21. Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus, Word Count, New Comment, Track Change, Compare
22. View Tab
23. Resume Create
Complete List of Paid Tutorials for Excel 2010 
1. Introduction to Excel & Using Formula
2. Formula, Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter, Alignment
3. Wrap Text, Merge & Centre, Number
4. Conditional Formatting, Format as table, Cell Style, Cell Insert, Cell Delete
5. Format, AutoSum, Fill, Clear
6. Sort & Filter, Find & Select
7. Pivot Table, Table, Picture, Clipart
8. Shapes, Smart Art, Screen Shot, Charts
9. Hyperlink, Text box, Header & Footer, Word Art, Signature, Equation, Symbol
10. Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options
11. Formulas
12. Text to Column, Remove Duplicate, Data Validation, Consolidate, What if analysis, 
13. Group, UN Group, Sub Total, Spelling, Thesaurus
14. New Comment, Protect Sheet, Protect Work Book, Track Change
15. Page Break, Full Screen, Zoom, Freeze Pane,Macros
16.    Examples
Complete List of Tutorials of Power Point 2010
1. Introduction of Power Point & Slide Creation
2. Slide Show, Transition Effect, Timing Set
3. Home Tab
4. Find, Replace, Table, Picture
5. Clip Art, Photo Album, Shapes, Smart Art, Chart
6. Text box, Header & Footer, Word Art, Date & Time, Slide No, Design Tab
7. Animation Tab, Slide Show Tab
8. Review Tab, View Tab
9. Animation Effect, Slide Show
10. Examples
Complete List of Tutorials of Internet
1. Search on Internet
2. Search Websites
3. How to Create an Email Id
4. Send and Receive Mail
5. Download Attach Files